Looking for new information on a concern or more trust and peace in your life's guidance?
Hi, I'm Feather of Labyrinth Door Studios.
Join me, for a FREE Teleclass....CREATING A FINGER LABYRINTH .....on Wednesday, June 2 at 8:00 PM Eastern time - 5:00 PM Pacific time. I would love to share an ancient but often unknown tool for untangling your life's path, the labyrinth.
Learn how to draw and actually create your own small, portable labyrinth, how to use it to access the peace at your life's center, new information about issues you may have, and to develop a sense of trust. See how the labyrinth is different than a maze and how it can enhance your life.
REGISTER HERE for this FREE Teleclass on Wednesday, June 2 at 8:00 PM
Eastern time - 5:00 PM Pacific time by clicking the form below.