Prints -
Healing Prints now offers a beautiful selection of 8.5 x 11 inch digital prints of my work HANDSOMELY MATTED to 11" x 14". They are presented in a clear sleeve for protection and finished look while the actual print is done on a heavier coated paper and signed by me. Their cost is $40.00 and includes all shipping and handling costs in the continental USA. I also include information about each individual paintings if desired and can add an article I have written to help you use it in the most effective way for those who desire it. Please scroll to the bottom to see the entire offering of available prints and order below. Many, but not all of the original paintings from which these prints come, are also for sale. The original paintings come in a custom mat, protected by a clear sleeve and are ready for framing for $110.00 which includes shipping in the USA. You may also email me about any of the paintings offered here. My intent is for this work to bring you joy and healing on many levels! Please scroll down to see the entire collection.
Protecting the Changing Space |
![]() $ 40.00 USDWhile the changes of our lives eb and flo even though we think we are rooted, sometimes we need a protective energy for the space of that changing. This being is one that was channeled to me in all its colors and patterns to create just such a protected space for our changing. Perhaps he needs to be with you at this time in your life to do that work with you. All rights reserved 2014 Please email me with shipping address : |
Finger Labyrinth with Stylus |
![]() $ 40.00 USDAncient traditions of the labyrinth are captured in watercolor and colored pencil in this smaller version that can be traced with the included handmade stylus. Rich, gold highlights are added to the finished print making each one slightly different. Basic instructions for its use are added at the bottom of the image so that you may use it as often as you like without leaving the comfort of your abode. Investigate this timeless way of stilling your mind, asking questions and receiving information from your guidance. All rights reserved by Feather Redfox 2014 Please email me with shipping address: |
Backwards Way of Trust |
![]() $ 40.00 USDA combination of watercoor and colored pencil create the image of a Jester riding his horse backwards. The horse in this instance is an old wise one for he opens to the knowing of the Universe. Similar images of backwards riders have been used in Native American traditions to express total trust in the Great Spirit, or for our purposes, in your Source Connection. This image came to me in a dream and I share it with you. May it be a gentle reminder that Patience is the Result of Trust and letting go of set outcomes. Blessings be yours as you share this print. All rights reserved by Feather Redfox 2014
Please email me with shipping address: |
Kitty Heart Speak |
![]() $ 40.00 USDThis joyous little watercolor of a Siamese sending out Heart Speak will appeal to all cat lovers and others as well. The heart wings let this little one take flights of fancy and perhaps you can go along. Handsomely matted, all shipping, handling and mat are included in costs.
All rights reserved by Feather Redfox 2014 Please email me with your address for shipping
Blue Heart |
![]() $ 40.00 USDResting under a new moon, this watercolor blue heart grows star plants on its side and shares its beautiful energy with you to enjoy. Handsomely matted, all shipping, and mat are included. All rights reserved by Feather Redfox 2014
Please email your shipping address to : |
Heartful Gratitude |
![]() $ 40.00 USDPlaying with watercolor and colored pencil gave me great enjoyment as I created this heart full of gratitude. It's meant to remind us of the healing powers of a loving heart, beauty and light as they manifest in being grateful. All rights reserved by Feather Redfox 2014
Please email me with a shipping address : |
Moon Doorway |
![]() $ 40.00 USDA new moon and a new doorway appears, a new beginning, and if we choose, opens to wondrous new possibilities. May you see the doorway and walk thru in joy and trust, to have many blessings rain upon you! Use this watercolor to connect to previously unseen portals of possibility. What are they? Where are they? Who will you be if you walk thru? Handsomely matted, all shipping, handling and mat are included in costs.
All rights reserved by Feather Redfox 2014 Please email me with a shipping address at: |
Dreaming Space: The Four Completions |
![]() $ 40.00 USDPicture a beautiful,crystaline cave that opens to the Universe where you can just be, a sacred space with Goddess/Source energy to connect with for your guidance. There are four columns of glyphs there as well, perhaps recording the completion of iniations here. This is a Dreaming Space. The beautifully matted watercolor print pictures one image given to me of a dreaming space to focus on as you connect to your inner guidance. Hold its quiet, sacred space in your knowing as you move thru your busy day. Shipping,handling and mat included in price. All rights reserved by Feather Redfox 2014 Please email me with a shipping address at: |
Dreaming Together with Source |
![]() $ 40.00 USDThe Many are Dreaming together in the Heartspace of Source. We are dreaming our connections of blood, DNA and more as we see in the Flower of Life figure held within our Goddess Mother's image. Together we envision, dream the new so that we may collaborate to create it! Handsomely matted watercolor print 11"x 14". Shipping, handling and mat included in cost. All rights reserved by Feather Redfox 2014 Please email me with a shipping address at: |
Rose Mandala |
![]() $ 30.00 USDThis Rose Mandala print is wonderful for dreaming or meditating, to bring calm, centered energy to you and your surroundings. Focus on the outside border moving slowly to the darker area of chaotic images then on to the still, cream rose in the center. The Rose Mandala print has beautiful energy for a hectic office or workplace, or in your home, and can help to center you so that you may then ground, root and fly! The original is not available and has been sold. All rights reserved by Feather Redfox 2014 Please email me with a shipping address at: |
Coyote Spirit |
![]() $ 40.00 USDThis image is energetically larger than life and is a mixed media piece with watercolor at its core. Touches of acrylic and watercolor pencil complete it as it reminds us there are times when we need to walk backwards and look into a broken mirror at out rational beliefs with the help of the Coyote Fairies All rights reserved by Feather Redfox 2014 Please email me with a shipping address at: |
Element of Fire: Transformation |
![]() $ 40.00 USDA small watercolor with touches of acrylic, this painting reflects the energetics of Fire as an elemental. Each element has its own special powers, its own special energetic feelings. Fire is an energy of transformation, clearing, changing, sometimes of hardening or changing to a more fluid form. It brings the opportunity for new birth like the Phoenix Bird, rising from the ashes. All rights reserved by Feather Redfox 2014 Please email me with a shipping address |
Water Element |
![]() $ 40.00 USDA small watercolor, this painting reflects the energetics of the Water as an elemental. Each element has its own special powers, its own special energetic feelings. Water is an energy that shows us how to shapeshift fluidly into different forms of ourselves and be persistent, finding ways thru the seemingly impossible dams in our lives to the Rose Path of Resolution. All rights reserved by Feather Redfox 2014 Please email me with a shipping address at: |
Air Element: Wind Calling |
![]() $ 40.00 USDA small watercolor, this painting reflects the energetics of the Air as an elemental. Each element has its own special powers, its own special energetic feelings. The wind is an energy that surrounds us either gently or with force at all times as the Element of Air. It fills our dream sails and flys us to our destinations. Before making this painting, I went outside and used a rattle to call in the wind and experience it. The west wind came as one of my allies and blessed me with its energy. This little painting is the result of that experience. All rights reserved by Feather Redfox 2014
Please email me with a shipping address at: |
Earth Element: Seeded with Stars |
![]() $ 40.00 USD A small watercolor, this painting reflects the energetics of the Earth as an elemental. Each element has its own special powers, its own special energetic feelings. The earth is fecund, a place of beginnings of nurturance, a chalice for star seeds. Many seed beings hide in this piece. Can you see them? All rights reserved by Feather Redfox 2014 Please email me with a shipping address |
What Direction Is Your point of View? |
![]() $ 40.00 USDThis painting of watercolor and colored pencil illustrates seeing concerns from different points of view both in the physical and the spiritual realm. It reminds us that we too often become rooted to one point of view and lose the possibility that other positions or points of view may offer to us. All rights reserved by Feather Redfox 2014 Please email me with a shipping address |
Ready to Fly |
![]() $ 40.00 USDThis watercolor painting reflects the energetics of taking a leap into the unknown, off a cliff so to speak, as we choose to follow our HeartPath...a leap of faith that will surely take us home to ourselves. All rights reserved by Feather Redfox 2014 Please email me with a shipping address at: |
Endurance |
![]() $ 40.00 USDSo often we find ourselves struggling with a situation or concern. This watercolor image reminds us to have endurance and that even though the landscape may stay much the same, we are infact making progress, covering some distance in the work that we do. All rights reserved by Feather Redfox 2014 Please email me with a shipping address at: |
New Possibilities |
![]() $ 40.00 USDThis painting of watercolor and colored pencil shows a number of images in both unusual colors and positions so that they may not be immediately visible to you, much like the possibilities of our lives. ( Do you see the little mouse?) There are many possibilities that we do not see at first. Our task is to learn to look and live beyond the possible! All rights reserved by Feather Redfox 2014 Please email me with a shipping address at: |
Order Out of Chaos |
![]() $ 40.00 USDThis painting of watercolor and colored pencil shows a maze of chaos that also holds a labyrinth with its path that leads us out of the chaos up thru a pyramid to the heart energy and love of Source, bringing Order, Light, and Connection to Spirit out of Chaos Copyright Feather Redfox 2012 Please email me with a shipping address at: |
Starstalking |
![]() $ 40.00 USDDREAM PAINTING - This watercolor and acrylic painting came from a dream I had of sitting in the woods at night and suddenly hearing something moving. I peered thru the trees only to see an animal running behind me. Hiding behind the tree where I had been sitting, I realized it was a wolf and that it was coming and would "Destroy" me. I saw its face clearly with dark fur and white central face area. It had blue eyes, and its teeth bared. I couldn't stop it. It was a shamanic or medicine dream and the wolf was a symbol of my need to give death to my resistance to getting a project done, rebirth my intent and actually doing that work. Perhaps it was also about pursuing even more strongly the ever deeper "doing" that I am here for. Later I was drawn to take down a deer mask and dust it off as well, realizing that it too was symbolic, representing my more hermit like self and my creativity. In the painting there are some wolf and deer tracks that are with me and I am wrapped in a blanket of the stars. In other work I was doing, Isis had told me to be open to the energies of the stars and the lights of the nighttime as energy helpers and guides for this next period of time. So I gathered all of this information together and created the little painting called StarStalking.All rights reserved by Feather Redfox 2014Please email me with a shipping address : |
Phoenix Treasures |
![]() $ 40.00 USDAn original watercolor, this painting was created for the February Sojourn Studio card reading. Here is just a bit of that information: From ancient times, the Phoenix has been a bird of mystery who died in a fire, leaving only ashes that then resurrected themselves into to a newly born bird. Death and transformation of aspects of our selves is the most obvious treasure that this phoenix symbolizes but there are others as well. All rights reserved by Feather Redfox 2014 Please email me with a shipping address : |
Hopeful Heart |
![]() $ 35.00 USDA simple original watercolor, this painting looks like a version of The Virgin of Guadelupe though I hadn't intended that at the time. It simply represents the hope in our hearts for those things that are important to us....sometimes, perhaps often, a hope that goes beyond rational thinking. All rights reserved by Feather Redfox 2014 Please email me with a shipping address : |
All rights entire content reserved by Feather Redfox 2018, HeartPath Studio 2838 Paseo de Los Pueblos #17 Santa Fe, NM 87507 505-983-8124