May-June Monthly Card Reading 2013
The Changing Space
All rights reserved by Feather Redfox 2014
Heart Gardens and Explosive Growth
Our card reading for the month
With what should we
What is it we
To Know.....
To feel a correctness
in our Knowing,
a direction for our
walking that unfolds from
deep within,
Flows and speaks
with internal dialog that
Begins outside,
Beyond ourselves.
We stand, sometimes running
to catch the message
unraveled from the comfort
of our Universal Knowing
and holding it fast,
take it to our hearts as
Journey of Self,
Life Truth.
It is this internal Knowing of our Life Truth that many of us seek and we seek it in multiple ways. I call it simply a Source Connection and I am connected most of the time. It is from this connection that my information flows whether it relates to my personal life or the newsletter and card readings that I share with you. This reading speaks of Explosive New Growth, of selves growing out of new selves and seeding newer selves with tremendous energy. Many I have spoken with recently noted just such kinds of shifts and newness in their lives that came hand in hand with a sense of not knowing where it all was leading or what their path looked like. It feels unsettling to us all because we often can't see much beyond the "next thing", sometimes not even that far. It is truly a time when we are being asked to deepen our trust beyond our knowing
There are many doorways that can open a strand of connectivity. I've spoken of any number here in previous articles and would be happy to work with any of you individually on this. I feel it is my path in this life to be a guide for any who wish to seek their Heart Path.
A specific guidance was also given to me for this time of Not Knowing as follows:
"Call in your Angel Guardians to light your path. Sometimes in this chaotic world we need additional light to illuminate our path. Th
Finally, in all things we are being encouraged to draw on our creativity, again moving beyond the familiar and expected. We are told to go create the seeds of our new selves and then understand what planting them in our Heart Gardens means in terms of physical actions in this world. The best approach for this is to think in terms of a number of small steps to take you to your more enlightened true self. If you now feel called to a new job or a new location, explore the possibilities, make a list of some of them and ask your guidance, your Source Connection what it thinks about it then what that brings up for you. What thoughts flash to your mind, what fears or excitements? Write down all of this to consider. Add something to your list that calls to your heart which may seem impossible and consider that as well. Where do these things live in your body.. Does one
Please send comments or questions to me at:
If this reading was of interest to you, I do offer personal readings on issues that concern you
For further information on card readings, use this link:
Rhythms of the Good Gaia, Mother Earth, shift us to shielded places of warmth and comfort with cups of steaming drink and a more settled mode of being than December's hectic climb and climax. Perhaps we will be able now to take in the message for this month of January. I awoke the other morning hearing, "I AM THE CHANGE, I AM THE CHANGE, I AM THE CHANGE" Our reading this month connects to that. Cards 1, 2 and 3 speak as follows
Observe and Witness
Silence...a sigh lens,
A lens of sighs
which Magnifies
Speaks and
Focuses us on the Doorway
to a Nu time
Here in Silence we connect to Guides who teach us, Nu levels of spiritual skills. Beyond the plain life skills of doing a thing.
If you are reading this, you are either in the doorway of deepened spiritual growth or have passed thru it. While you can witness others who have not passed thru, often they are not able, even to see the door thru which you have come. There is no judgment in this, just witnessing. You can never go back; going back is not an option once you have passed thru this doorway. You can however, let them see you dance a new dance. My guides have said,
"To awaken those in your life who are asleep, you must dance a new dance, (dress a new dress). They will only awaken when you no longer keep time to their sleeping realities. This may anger them, certainly it will confuse them but this causes them to awaken long enough ( for you) to explain what you are doing. Chances are, they won't hear you. They will just want you to return to your old ways but if you do that, your soul will die and so will theirs. Work with the Water, the Silence, the Witnessing to prepare and receive information that will help you dance that 'New Dance' and awaken those still sleeping"
To help us do this work, I was given a Nu Practice with water, a way of creating a Sigh-lens to look thru. This is helpful to connect to our spiritual guidance and raise our Spiritual Skill Level, which is not so much about learning techniques of working spiritually as opening ourselves to "Seeing" and doing things ( which we can't usually plan) that just flow thru our intuitive knowing of what is needed in a given situation. The doing is intuitive rather than rational. In hindsight what we see or do may very well be quite rational but we don't at first see it as such. A higher level of Spiritual Connection which allows us to receive the guidance for Intuitive Action, creates a higher level of Spiritual Skill. The Nu Water Meditation suggested to me for use at this time was explained, when I drew the Water Carrier Card. Water can be our transmitter/receiver and keeper of messages. It is both an energy conductor and a recorder of information. This is the method suggested to me:
"Use a larger bowl of glass or metal. Put a clear crystal in it and fill it with room temperature, pure water. Light a candle and set it near there as well. Touch the bowl ( as you consider what information you are seeking). Hold it between your hands. Be in Silence, stillness and just listen, (Feel the vibrations coming thru the water and crystal in the bowl. They may make your fingers tingle.) The bowl/water/crystal will help transmit, information ( for you) to use (in answer to questions you have asked of it). When (your meditation is) completed, finished with transmission, put the water in a jar and (refrigerate to) drink (over the next few days)."
The crystal energy will change the water with small charges from the crystal and information that was given to you. Remember water and informational knowing are both energy and interact with one another to create changes in the water's structure and your own as well.
When doing the Nu Water Mediation myself, I had asked how to bring about changes in existing situations, and I was given this information as I sat in silence holding the water bowl. I came to understand that in order to manifest changes in any area, the secret of manifesting was, not asking for change, but instead, BECOMING THE CHANGE OURSELVES.
There is a difference between not asking for something out of fear that it might cause problems, and not asking out of Spiritual Knowledge which comes with a higher Spiritual Skill Level. Not asking out of spiritual knowledge is knowing you already have or are, what you are asking for. When you live on the spiritual level of knowing that you already have what you ask for, what you desire is not blocked in coming to you, as you have created a place for it in your life and set out energy to draw it in. No one can promise that your manifesting will bring things exactly as you foresee or wish them but it does open a path for them to come..........
As I thought about this, I also asked,
"And negative things, can you manifest them as well?"
I was told, "Of course. This is the source of much illness and 'bad luck'. What you believe you have comes to you"
Personally I find that my own fears will interfere with my best intentions in this practice but I do practice and hope to grow better. This is such an Old Secret, an open secret to many. Considering this I found myself unhappy with the idea that I was not to express my feelings and desires as it's been quite a journey to be able to step out from behind my acculturation masks and speak up for my own needs. It was not an easy journey but a needed one. I value that ability and we all should, but this goes beyond "asking". While we always need the power to express our feelings, this is about Trust and also Believing that all is one. Being so connected on a star stuff level, we truly do, already have what we wish to manifest but must believe it in order to do so. It's not about wishing and hoping. It's about believing, focusing on the desire ALREADY being fulfilled and the energy that creates. And so we are left with Witnessing and raising our levels of Spiritual Skill, and using the information given to us thru the Sigh-Lens of the Nu Water work or any other form of connection we may practice. In these ways we can evolve a knowing that WE ARE THE CHANGE we seek to manifest and begin to be that. We, ourselves, are already what we desire to create. There is no way of understanding this rationally, just an acceptance that it is the truth. It is a manifestation of Higher Spiritual Skill levels which is not rational. The closest I am able to come to explaining it is to say, we are all called to begin and journey in trust and belief, purified and informed by our Spiritual practices, which move us thru doorways and across bridges to Beyond the Possible. WE ARE THE CHANGES WE SEEK TO CREATE. It becomes real when we are able to witness a situation that has occurred and realize that in that moment, we did something that we might never have considered before, accepted a suggestion we couldn't have conceived of as a possibility, and see that truly, we have committed to a new path without being able to rationally explain beyond what we thought was possible for ourselves.
Blessings of Great Faith and Courage to all,
Please send comments or questions to me at:
If this reading was of interest to you, I do offer personal readings on issues that concern you
This is a time that is holy to us in many ways, all of them centered in Light and its physical and spiritual presence in our lives. Yet this particular year, events of much darkness have brought us another warning of how important it is for EACH of us to hold the intent and act upon it, of ACTIVELY bringing light to this world. How we do that will be different for each of us depending on our own truth and Iconic Essence.
The Transforming Power of Dreams and Dreaming
The cards for this reading and two other personal readings, left little doubt in my understanding of how important our actions are at this time. My information this whole month has been focused on dreaming as I spoke about it in the newsletter. ( December newsletter ) The first card I pulled for this reading spoke of the transforming power of dreams. The next spoke of our ability to "Fly", to do the spiritual work required of us and again how we learn about that thru dreaming. We need to learn what dreaming is for each of us as it may be different. It may be waking dreams, sleeping dreams, meditation or images and ideas from when we walk. It may be all of that at the same time. How then do we dream the future and what is specifically required from us. Are we to plan large things or work in small personal ways and what exactly does that mean....My understanding is to be open to doing things that you may never have considered or attempted before to add the energy of Light to this existence, even if they seem somehow insignificant. There is nothing insignificant at this time! Everyone's physical actions that have sprung from their dreaming guidance are needed to create changes, and a different future.
The third and fourth cards I drew spoke of Mother Earth's unhappiness and showed her water aspect taking back misused blessings she had given us, while we registered complete lack of understanding of what was happening...........this is NOT divine punishment, but rather the simple effects of our own actions.
The fourth was Sleeping Man that, with its channeled information, offered a very clear understanding that, not men, but instead long traditions of patriarchy, which deny the value of feminine beings and their energetic gifts of intuition and emotional sensitivity, are wreaking terrible havoc on this earth and creating humans who are emotionally incomplete, and often destructive beings. The actual quote is as follows: "Sleeping man cannot be allowed to continue his patriarchal dreams or he will anger the Great Mother and Mother Earth beyond redemption. (Irreparable damage will result to our world and ways of life) Refuse to honor this patriarchy's ways." Don't allow it to be in charge. Suffuse it with Light. This is not the same as judgment . It is action FOR the Light rather than action against what must change. "Stand up as individuals in collaboration, doing what is right regardless of how that fits other people's definition of you". Be careful to review your information and let your actions come from your dreaming guidance rather than your re-actions. There is a great difference.
Keys: Collaboration and Flexibility
Remember that collaboration builds community and webs of connection, friendship and support in our entire world. Be flexible. Let go of your particular idea about what good outcomes are. This is ego based. Outcomes may be things you could have never imagine and quite different than expected, but still be what is needed.
Manifesting: Dream and Become Enlightened Beings
When I asked how we are to do this work I was told,
" Dream this new reality, dream it so you can see and manipulate the vision of it. Play with these visualized potentials, reshaping, recoloring, resinging, realigning them to accentuate the brilliance and interesting juxtaposition of their variations. Then bring it into physical reality thru standing up as individuals who reach across differences to collaboratively create it. (Be in) courage, creativity, dance new dances and prepare new food. Hold each other's hands as you construct completely new jobs or life journeys than known before. (We) stand at the edge of a new world if we are brave enough to go there. It's not about a battle of women against men (or this group against that). (All) are so wanted and needed to be part of this great work. It's about the very sad polluting of beautiful and necessary, masculine energy, into something that denigrates and devalues all other energies than its own, especially feminine energies with their beauty and power.
(We are being asked to) Become Enlightened Beings, (containers of Light and its information), visited by the 'Eye of God', in your dreaming. Open your channels with Source (so you may receive its information)."
A fifth card reminds us of a need for clarity in our information even if we do not understand it. At first reading that would seem to be contradictory but it is not. We have to accept that we do not always understand the information we receive from Source when we are dreaming, and that is not always requisite, but we do need clarity. In order for us to have clarity, we need to be in a state of relaxed focused intent, intending to receive completely any information we are given. In addition, we cannot be in a state of conflict. We need to release all tension and conflict before we attempt to dream. Doing several oxytocin breaths is very helpful. Relax as much as possible then breath in deeply but comfortably and slowly release the breath completely saying "Haaaaaaaa" ( not Ahhh ) aloud or under your breath as you relax completely releasing all emotions and negative energy down thru your feet into the earth. In this more relaxed state, your energy is much more open to receive the information you seek and to hear it clearly.
The OLD Ways:
Finally, the sixth card spoke of our relationship with the OLD, old ways of being, ancestors and more, and our communication with all of that. When we become tied to the OLD simply because it has always been so, we lose the original intent of it, even if that was a good intent, and being old is not always an indicator of a good intent or process. In our present moment, we need at times to honor the OLD but may seek to do it in new and different ways, creating new ways of being, of doing, of seeing and hearing and so forth. As we seek to move into a new way of being, it will be helpful if we are able to hold open communication with the old and find bridges that can connect the old with the new so there may be travel from one to the other. As Enlightened Beings, containers of Light and it's information, who now work with our dreaming skills to SEE the New and gain information as to how we can create that reality, we are still part of the all inclusive Whole of Creation, the Flower of Life. We cannot disclaim our DNA connections to any other, nor our connections to the Energy of Creation, our star stuff. We are all one. We cannot amputate parts of ourselves and survive as a Whole People. Dreaming is a tool that can show us how to do the seemingly impossible, to become a new kind of Whole that is more in love, more in light, more balanced in its male and female energies, if we are open to it. Believe and trust.
With great gratitude to Goddess Mother for her teachings, to Lynn Andrews and the Sisterhood of the Shields who have guided me in my learnings of how to do this work.
Clear Dreaming Connections
So Many Blessings,
Please send comments or questions to me at:
If this reading was of interest to you, I do offer personal readings on issues that concern you
Jester and the Horse
Feather Redfox copyright 2012
November Card Reading
This reading has evolved out of the events of the entire month and specifically from segments of two dreams gifted to me. The first dream left me an image of a harlequin- suited jester who was higher than I, riding on something, but facing me thus riding backwards. His suit was brilliant with its orange and metallic gold diamond patterns. I felt very drawn to it and knew it was from the Tarot Deck of cards though I don't work with Tarot at all.
The second dream placed me in an old western town watching an aged, white horse, walking backwards parallel to the hitching post rail. He had a dark rectangular opening on his side that seemed to be a doorway to the Universe with some stars there. Add to these dream images, a drawn card that spoke of our possible fears of happiness and a drawn juniper card that spoke to doing cleansing before pioneering new things, then moving into a place of magic, and these are the understandings I have been given.
With my dreams, I usually do research in addition to my own knowing and found the Tarot information of this link quite interesting and helpful:
The dreams have combined for me to present yet another heyoka set of information as we move backwards (counter clockwise) around the 4 Directions for the Traditional Medicine Wheel. The thin, old, white horse is walking backwards from this present reality into a new and therefore younger reality for us. He is white, the color my practice traditionally ascribes to the North Direction, the place of Air, a product of our speech, prayers and movement which reaches out to connect us to Spirit. Even more, this beautiful white horse, also holds a portal on his side, which, if we are able to move thru it with our meditation, prayer or dreaming, offers us a shortcut to that space between times where our true purpose, our regenerated true self is most evident to us. We can get there by walking with the horse, beyond ration, backwards into our future, but the dream offers us a short cut to the infinite as well if we are able to see that portal of possibility. Interesting also, my drum, which I use for prayer, journeying and meditation, my dreaming drum, is painted with an image of a white horse called Ariel, and a rider moving thru a dreaming portal. I have not believed in accidents for a long time now. All is one; all is connected.
The beautiful Fool, the Jester, the one who rides backwards on the backwards walking horse is in reality, pure potential, the zero place between coming and going, conceiving and creating. This Jester shows us Source or God energy at the moment just before it creates in all its infinite potential as explained by James Rioux, CPTR on the American Tarot Site listed above. This Jester represents us in all our pure potential and is beautifully different in his gold and orange diamonds representing the gold of highest possibility with second chakra orange of courageous, empowered optimism. The passion energy of the orange color and second chakra energy encourages our passion on all levels and helps us too to be empowered. It's energy aids us in releasing our distrust and superficiality so we can move beyond our present. Neil Donald Walsh says, "we love what is AND we choose again". We move forward, upward, onward or we become old, stale and our souls shrivel.
So we are being called as we move toward 12/2012 to move, to grow our new, more true soul selves in whatever ways we find work for us. We are being prompted to live beyond the possible, to move beyond the rational to act our potential..... not our age or social status, to DREAM the realities we so need in our hearts and live toward them rather than sitting in the same life chair that has become so familiar to us. WHO ARE YOU....REALLY?
What is one new thing that you can do to become the higher you you have always dreamed of?
comes only to those who open the door for it....its time to walk thru the door
Disquieting dreams of unthinkable, wonderful
And so many Blessings,
Please send comments or questions to me at:
If this reading was of interest to you, I do offer personal readings on issues that concern you
Flowing in Balance: Reconnecting to Your
Mystical Past Life Continuum
This month, I am presenting a possibility for you to think about: the concept that each of us has had many lives in which to do our learning. While I'm not asking you to believe that. I am presenting it as an underlying condition for the remainder of this article. If you can concede we may have more than one life experience, then consider how that would work with the remainder of this information.
Much of what we are being asked to do this month sits in that quiet, still FLOW called endurance. While there is stillness there is also Flow, not Stagnation, Movement but of a kind that is in Balance! It is a paradox of sorts or Heyoka as we talked about that earlier this month. I'm quoting information given to me for this time:
"There are times in our lives when just flowing in balance with the realities of our lives is the best we can do, what we need to do It's a giving over of total control to the Universe (and moving into working with just the needs of the moment.) Sometimes we have to accept that we can't see beyond today and (must) simply trust."
I have often been given a visual image, of what I believe to be my past lives and the beings who lived them, extending both back to Before and ahead to After, totally interconnected yet wearing different faces. Perhaps these lives occur simultaneously, all at the same time. We are told that a molecule can exist in two different places at the same time by Chaos theory. I don't know, yet I sometimes have the distinct impression that the versions of me living my previous or future lives, hold specific information to help me in situations of the NOW. So while I move into a flow of stillness and balance, no drama, no victimhood, I understand that I can reach out and connect to the wisdom held by these beings. They can help me see patterns and where they need to change.
All of creation's energies form patterns like a giant tapestry that is the universe. It undulates its strands or energy and sometimes they weave changes. We, as individuals, have our smaller details within the larger pattern of the whole. So as we look back over the energy strands of our lives' actions from the far away distance of a Seer*, we begin to perceive the patterns of our individual belts of design and how they connect with the larger whole. There are dark places and light, stillness and movement in many colors, sounds, scents and shapes, densities and variations. And in some similar appearing places, we will see areas where the continuity, the beautiful pattern is broken over and over again in each life/energy existence belt. Our task is to understand the unsuccessful scenarios that we have repeated over and over in many of our lives that cause this damage or incompletion to disrupt the beauty of Creation's patterns. As we see this from the distance that meditation allows, we may have a flash of what it is that is causing this disruption over and over in each life and in our part of the Great Design. It may be that we see a gathering of beautiful elements, colors and shapes beginning to be woven together, than notice that one of these strands always seems to weaken and fray at a certain point causing the entire section to fall apart. So the beautiful pattern is never fully completed. Bringing that insight back into our earth plane life, seeing what color and type that strand is and what it represents, will hold a deeper insight of how we need to change the weaving of our lives THIS TIME so that, THIS TIME, that strand will stay strong and we will be able to complete the pattern and create a kind of strength and wholeness in that tapestry which wasn't possible before. We will have a gut knowing that THIS TIME we need to hold on....maintain a relationship beyond what we think is possible, or perhaps THIS TIME we will need to let go and move on in a way that is again seemingly unthinkable for us.....the important thing is to see the Universal picture and our weak part of the pattern, then identify what it is and how to change it in our current life. This process not only brings us to a deep soul completion, it heals Creation!
It is so simple and yet seldom do we think to look at the larger picture of Creation from this distance where we can begin to see the Order in the Chaos and where it has broken down and must be mended. It's just like seeing only a close up view of a fractal then stepping back quite far and realizing the small chaotic bits are really a part of a much larger organized whole, with endless repetitions.
This is in a sense a meeting with another self that goes beyond our agreed upon ideas of time in a search for helpful information for today's life. To do this we need to do a kind of journeying or perhaps what you might call Awakened Dreaming. It's helpful to do this practice with someone who is familiar with these processes but you may also do the guided meditation that I have written for you here:
Connecting To Your Other Lives and Selves
You may read sections of this meditation and respond to them a bit at a time, perhaps writing about that as you go, or record it and listen to it as a guided meditation in that manner.
This is not meant to be a past life regression experience but rather a reaching out of you to other parts of yourself that can see where your Soul's tapestry has a weak area and how to strengthen it by making some knowing changes in your life patterns.
Ask those who share your life for a space of time alone, an hour or so, and create a comfortable private area with writing equipment and perhaps a candle or quiet background music as it may seem helpful to you.
Sit or lay comfortably and breathe deeply and easily relaxing and letting go of all tensions in your body. Release the stress from your head, your face, your teeth, your mind, your neck, shoulders and back. Let the ease and relaxation move down your arms and hands. Relax your fingers. Swallow then relax your throat and your ears. Relax your buttocks, your thighs then knees, calves and feet. Let your toes just rest!
Imagine yourself walking thru a beautiful, lush landscape of your choice, perhaps a beautiful forest of magnificent old redwoods, quiet with soft loam under foot or maybe you are walking on wet sand as waves slide in to sing to that wet beach. The sun is barely setting in a glowing sky and you are completely alone and safe in this place. It feels like it is familiar and intriguing to you with a sense of expectancy, of heightened energy, almost a buzzing from that energy, and as you walk a little further you feel as though there is a passage way or doorway in front of you. You don't see it but you can feel the energy of it surrounding you on all sides, not threatening or harmful just very powerful, warm, rather prickly and compelling. You have a sense that you can walk thru this unseen portal into a new space, perhaps a different time dimension and you begin to move into its center, then a bit further, and suddenly you are floating in dark blue black space, just floating there in quiet and complete peacefulness with your life cord or roots extending back to the time from which you came. There are stars and planets all around and you can see the Milky Way as a luminescent , twinkling band of light that girds the sky of this fantastic place. The Moon hangs nearby and glows it's comforting light. It's cool here but comfortable and feels both full and empty at the same time or perhaps it's more like being filled with a sense of completion and no further need to strive to accomplish more. Then as you peer into the great spaces before you, you see endless strands of energy of all sorts that weave and move continuously into a beautiful tapestry. Each separate strand is actually a narrow band with its own set of patterns and colors that, as you look at it, you realize is the collected energy patterns of one soul in its many, many permutations of being. Looking down at your own physical being, you realize you too are connected with many other forms of you, to a similar band of energy strands that is filled with patterns and colors. You are looking for a pattern that you have used many times but have not been able to complete successfully. Some of its threads always tear or don't fit correctly so you want to understand why that happens and to bring that knowledge back to your earth life where you can use it there in your present situations. You are looking for a way to change your actions in this life and not continue to repeat things that have not worked for you in the past. You can talk to these other aspects of yourself, and ask them to show you where the problem is in this beautiful woven belt of your existence or life energy. Ask them what happens to cause the problem. Does the energy strand thin out and tear because it is over extended with life situations? Does it get knotted with stress and tension. Do very strict life outcome expectations make it brittle or fade its colors? What happens on your earth plane over and over again that causes it to tear and fail? What do you need to change, to do differently to make this beautiful energy life strand work this time?
Then just listen. Be still. Be in stillness and let these wise ones share what they have witnessed happening over and over in your life now and in other times. Hear them and wait as they speak to you...sometimes just being quiet and waiting for them to share for as long as that takes. Then when they are finished talking with you, review what they have said. Remember it. You may wish to write it down as well and thank them for all they have told you. You can also ask them how you can more successfully make the needed changes in your life and listen to see if they have further information for you. Again waiting, remembering or writing that down. Say your goodbyes finally and again thank these beings for all their help. Allow yourself to once again feel the strong pull of the doorway that brought you into this space. Your earth roots and connections are strong so you would never get lost in this place or not be able to come back. Gently you move faster and suddenly your feel yourself pulled back thru the portal into the here and now. You rest here a few minutes and slowly come back to present time, listening to the sounds around you of your everyday life, wiggling your fingers or toes. Take a few more minutes and before talking with anyone, write down all you can remember of this experience. Later spend time being with the information so that you can begin to understand what you have been told and how it is to make changes in your life.
May this meditation and information spur your curiosity and bring you useful information.
Share the blessings of minds open to things beyond the possible,
Many Blessings,
*Seer - One who sees far, a see-er of past, and future beyond physical reality; "Someone who foretells the future; a clairvoyant, prophet, soothsayer or diviner." (Wiki)
This may be the month that you would like to work with me one on one
with the meditation listed above or on another aspect of this topic.
Whether we work together just once or more than once you will have many
benefits from the explorations we can do together.
You may wish to explore a personal card reading with me as another way to receive information at this link below:
Card Reading
Finally, I have Healing art prints available for you to use. They come
with information about the individual print as well as detailed
information on how to use them to the most advantage.
Please send comments or questions to me at:
If this reading was of interest to you, I do offer personal readings on issues that concern you
September 2012
Sapphire Healing
Feather Redfox - copyright 2012
Hello Beautiful People
This reading is often esoteric without many practical explanations or how to's but I will explain it as best I understand the information that was given to me. I use a number of wisdom decks or cards, to do my readings, which are somewhat different than Tarot. This is not a Tarot reading. To begin with, the first deck I used is a deck I call the Egyptian Deck. It is one that grew out of the experiences a friend and I had on an unbelievably powerful trip to Egypt a number of years ago. As I asked my guides to be shown the first card, one fell from the Egyptian Deck called Sapphire Healing, and so this reading is really about the healing of ourselves, our country and the energies of this world which have grown so out of balance.
I used to think we needed to have a return of the Goddess wisdom and energy and that in itself would be healing for all. It is part of what we need, but I understand more deeply now that true healing is about healing the divisions within our selves, between the masculine and feminine energies that we all carry. Since this is a Patriarchal society and world for the most part, Feminine energy has been pursued and wiped out where possible for a long time; it is a threat to the energies of Patriarchy. While Patriarchy is considered masculine, it is really a gross distortion of true masculine energy because it has no feminine energy balance. This reading is about creating that healing of balanced masculine and feminine energies within for both men and women, which transfers like ripples outward to the world around us, sometimes by direct actions on our part and sometimes just by the entropic energy of our beings and lives.
Sapphire Healing
Prepare an area for yourself where you can be alone
without interruptions for some period of
time. For Sapphire Healing and peace, we
must look inward. We must find the haven of our own individual, silent place
within, the Void, from which the ALL, is born.
This is the place we come to when we are able to stop thinking and just
BE.....with no doing. This place of
silence is sometimes hard for us to come to as our minds are so used to racing
with the lists of what we have to do, want, where we need to be, our fears and
hopes........ To help
you, I am giving you permission to copy and print out my newest
painting, Sapphire Healing shown above at the beginning of this
article. You will not be able to do so from this email but by using the
link below, it will bring up a page on my website that will allow you
to do that.
I suggest you try using it as a meditation focus. I believe it will be helpful in reaching that still point within so you can do the suggested work . As you study that image, look specifically at the sapphire crystal and see its light begin to pulse and grow, taking up the whole surrounding area. Intend to draw in its beautiful energy into your power center, the area around your naval. Feel that area in your body stir into an awareness of your attention on it and visualize the sapphire moving into your body there. See it shimmer and send out its healing energy growing more and more intense till it expands and begins to fill up your whole body, clear to the tips of your head hands and feet. Feel its energy tingle all thru you. Rest in that energy and see it moving into each individual cell of your being. Take some time to do this. See how it fills all places of pain or discomfort both physical and emotional. Let it pool there and simply rest in its presence, energizing yourself from it. Close your eyes at this point if you like. Stay in this mediation as long as you are able and return to it as often as you like. Then slowly wiggle your toes and fingers and gradually come back to this time and place. You may find that having the Sapphire Healing print near where you sleep or work allows you to move into that meditative healing state, just by looking at its images again.
New Knowing
Moving into this place of silence is where you can listen for New Knowing. You will find that as you are more able to be in the Void, the Silence, the Veils of Not Knowing will begin to part and It is time for you to SEE. (As I was given this information, my whole body became alert and it seemed to me that this was very important. There is so much we don't understand and see no way out of at this time, both in our personal lives and in the world around us. I really felt this information was showing us how to move into a place where we will be able to begin to SEE the steps we need to take to bring the change which can birth a new kind of order to our lives.)
Direct Action
The Chaos that surrounds us on so many levels is much like a hurricane, with an eye of calm at its center. But we need to understand that the center here is also THE place which birthed the storm just as the still place within us births many things for us. It holds the powerful energy of that storm creation whether in politics or actual weather, and that is what is available to us from all this chaos. It is this energy by itself which drives the chaos, plans its agenda, that we must connect with. This is a very strange statement to make I's probably the most esoteric thing I have ever said publicly...... but it is as though we are to move beyond our judgment of the chaos and the people or fears, etc. who perpetrate the chaos, remove our head of ration, and then we will have to follow our "Crow messages of intuition"*. This is true whether it is about the chaos in our personal lives, our government or in the world at large. We are being shown that, thru meditation and connecting with our own void, inner place of stillness and creation, we will be able to reach out to that living energy which is acting so destructively. If we move to its creative center, connect and draw the pure energy of its center off, for use in more positive ways, we can energetically deflate it from the inside rather than trying to defeat it from the outside which seems and probably is ....impossible. Even hurricanes, after their destruction is spent, can bring needed rains to the earth below.
This process can be as personal as you reaching into some portion of fear in your own life that is spawning a hurricane of chaos, and connecting with the still point of that fear. If you can be still, meditate on/with this chaotic energy force, there will be a point where you will suddenly have a flash of recognition of that fear, as just irrational thought that has grown way out of proportion to reality... In that moment you will be able to connect to that knowing and deflate the power of that fear, taking its energy to use in other ways . Sometimes we have to do this over and over with the same fears but it does help. It's all the same process no matter how large the fear or chaos we confront, though we will each need to know our own limitations on this and work with our personal issues first. It is wisdom to ask the higher powers you work with to both protect, guide and heal you in this work that you will be doing.
Resolution will arise from intuition, and from energy conversions. There is no paint by numbers way to do this. It is serious work and requires us to thoughtfully create some form of meditation/spiritual practice in order to intentionally create the changes we seek, but the rewards are many!!! While change is inevitable and there is some tranquility in that knowing, most of us would like to have some input into the type and outcomes of that movement. This is a choice however. We can choose to think of these times and events as a time of harvest and planting new life-seeds, of learning lessons from all events even those that seem totally negative. Like burdock burrs, we can choose now to take some of that energy we are harvesting from the old paradigms that no longer work and use it to create almost playful attachments to the new, the untried, the unthinkable till we are carried to new awareness, ideas, projects and people like a burdock burr on our pet. Collaboration, community and living the improbably will become the possible if we choose to do this work.
May we all be blessed with courage, commitment and intent.
*Crow spirit or energy is
one which traditionally brings
us messages, often thru our intuition or gut hunches. It "flew" into
this painting with messages for you and was unplanned as I worked.
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If this reading was of interest to you, I do offer personal readings on issues that concern you
August 2012
August's Monthly Card Reading
Feather Redfox - copyright 2012
Sometimes we want to give up too quickly in the situations of life where we find ourselves. Endurance Heals is the main card I pulled for this month. Endurance could be defined as the ability to keep on task beyond normal expectations; not giving up easily. I give you the following information from this card just as it was channeled to me:
· "Believe you ( or any situation) can be healed, which means YOU MUST HOLD OPEN THE PORTAL OR DOORWAY OF POSSIBILITY . (If you believe a thing is impossible, it is much more difficult for it to occur.)
· Believe you are WORTHY of being healed .
· DO THE WORK (that your Inner Guidance tells you to do) questions and no excuses
These things seem so obvious but search your inner truth and ask yourself:
· Do I really believe this situation can be solved or healed?
· Do I really think I am worthy of that gift of healing?
· Am I willing to do the work?
· Do I really have that much trust?
I believe a representative or teacher will be offered to you this month who will be able to give you some guidance about what your "work" should be regarding any changes or growth you wish to achieve. You must be willing to listen to what they have to say however, in order for it to be helpful. That is a choice as always.
The hatching, if you like, of new parts of yourself, is waiting for you to do the work and pay attention so that this can happen. As you see that possibility in your near future, consider exactly what energy this new part of you feels like...scary, exciting, does it open you and allow you to breath more fully than you ever have? What shape will it take both metaphorically and perhaps in other ways as well, a small one, a very large and flowing one. What does this new part of you require from you to give it birth and then to nurture it? What is the food of its sustenance. I like that word, "sustenance", and the reference it makes to the sustaining of life and its abundant growth.
Finally, this is a time to FOCUS with some intensity on this whole process, not to be distracted. if a fly were to land on your arm and walk around as one did on mine, could you hold your concentration, allowing that small thing to fade as you focused instead on your important task? Would you find it impossible not to swipe at it, to sneak a quick look at your Facebook account or text someone rather than staying focused on the task at hand? Think about your powers of focus as well this month.
Endurance of focus on the task of your own new birth, trust, willingness to do the work, and a belief in your own worth for this growth, are the work that will bring you the most progress this month. And along with the sun energy of your labors, don't forget to add the waters of pleasure as well for a balance in all you do.
Much productive growth and peace,
Many blessings,
Please send comments or questions to me at:
If this reading was of interest to you, I do offer personal readings on issues that concern you
July's Monthly Card Reading
The card I first drew for this reading is called Fear of Dreaming; Love of Dreaming and represents the paradox we live in everyday, of wanting to create things in our lives and being afraid to try. The back of this card carries this message as it was given to me some years ago when I first made it:
"We, (Our Spirit guides and guardians), do not ask you to fly in ways in which you are not ready. We DO ask you to stretch your readiness. You are able to do all you are being asked to do. Trust and fly your dream."
This reading is about how we learn to recognize and deal with or release our fears so that we can then move on and manifest the dreams that we have for ourselves and the world. Given that our dreams may in themselves, not be for the good of all and in that sense not supported by Creative Source, we still do have the opportunity to stretch ourselves out and touch what is seemingly beyond our reach. That is our journey here, to learn to do that and to succeed.
The first step is gaining an awareness of and releasing our fears, whatever they may be. That is a life-long undertaking but there are paths that we may follow in this work. As I mentioned previously in the information about Fire energy, if we can simply sit back metaphorically and watch how we live our lives with no judgment, simply witnessing, we can learn much. Write down the things that you see yourself do over and over which would benefit from change. Be aware of them. Then create a list of your fears...I will get cancer, I will go broke. I will be laughed at. I will fail. Failure is a very insidious fear as it follows much of what we try to do in every venue. Fear of failure means we will be shamed in front of others and most of us need at least some sense of approval and appreciation from others to maintain our own feelings of self worth.
There are a number of ways of releasing our fears but they seem to condense down to these two:
Addictive refuge in substances such as alcohol, food, sex, etc. which numbs our feelings and is destructive.
Creating and maintaining a deep Spiritual connection and practice which is constructive.
Given an agnostic or atheist determination that precludes a spiritual practice, I believe an Aesthetic /Humanitarian focus and study may substitute for a spiritual focus. I much believe in the power of beauty of all forms as a healer and source of Power. This also would be constructive.
In order then to follow the constructive path, we need to find our teacher/teachings. There is no one right being or philosophy for this. It may vary with the person but the search for this guidance is important for all. The progression would be this...Search, find, study, search, find, study etc. It will be an ongoing thing and both your teacher and teachings will probably change with time. Having made that connection, you will need and be able to live in trust of that teaching and how it affects you, for you will see its results.
Again there are two steps to help with this:
That means simply: Visualize your changes already accomplished and maintain as much as possible the feelings of joy, peace and satisfaction in your daily life that you envision coming with the things you want to manifest. Live as though they have already happened on the emotional level. When I received that information this morning in a waking dream, I was given this explanation. The information is not new but it is important:
"By living in the energy of joy or whatever we perceive as coming from the desired changes, we physically create changes in the cellular and DNA energy structures of our bodies, creating a "keyhole" to receive a "key" which the Universe can then place within us to help manifest the changes we desire. CHANGE CANNOT HAPPEN IF WE ARE NOT OPEN TO IT HAPPENING."
Create a small manifesting bundle*, a picture or find an object that symbolizes the changes you so desire. Allow it to represent or be a physical image of the invisible thoughts and desires that you wish to manifest. It will have a way helping you focus your intent, holding fast to needed actions and even give you a sense of comfort, for its physical presence is a symbol for the actual change until you can manifest that. If you create a bundle, it is something you can carry with you and look at as you desire with no need to explain to others what it is. Above all, trust this process to do its work.
*Bundle - a small collection of little things that symbolize what you want to manifest wrapped and tied in fabric, usually red.
Personalized readings are also available for you if you like. For more information click the link below:
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If this reading was of interest to you, I do offer personal readings on issues that concern you
June 2012
Creating New Possibilities
This time for us is a Rite of Passage it seems, and perhaps we need to honor it as that with small ceremonies or little give-aways similar to the Native American traditions. We are born a number of times within this one life and if we are seekers, we may be born many, many times. This occurs with each of our own new physical ages, there are also ages of awareness, and in addition there seem to be ages of the world we live in. Each is to be recognized and honored. Yet sometimes it is just a feeling that we have, we notice something has changed, shifted and we are not always able even to explain what that may be.
I believe that this new birth is an opportunity to reconnect in an ever more power-filled way to Original Source, to Goddess or God or Higher Power , however you relate to this energy. It holds for us not only an unknowable vast energy and potential which are mirrored in our own lives, but also a Stillness of Being that is something which is often completely nonexistent for us today, and for some at least, is like a long missing ingredient that they have not yet been able to name. Our society is an adrenaline driven one to such an extent that we feel uneasy, as though something is wrong if we are given an opportunity for stillness. It is not something with which we are comfortable.....and is something our souls long for. With times of stillness, Source is able to communicate with us and we are more able to hear.
New potentials are opening for us as GIFTS we are being offered, but it is we who must accept them, and their responsibility. We have to be willing to learn how to create with them. Gifts of empowerment always come with responsibility and sometimes we don't accept them because we are leery of also accepting that responsibility. Each of us is being offered gifts specific to our own abilities and our needs to grow in specific ways, so we must each learn different things. Our journey is to move BEYOND THE EXPECTED, beyond what has been done and find new resources, new paths. Ask your Source, God or your Guides to assist you in discovering the new gifts you have been waiting to claim, being completely open to what they may be. Think of yourself as an inventor you have hired to come up with new directions for your life. Specifically ASK YOUR GUIDANCE TO ERASE ALL YOUR OLD IDEAS OF WHAT IS POSSIBLE. WE NOW HAVE ACCESS TO INFORMATION THAT HAS NEVER BEEN AVAILABLE TO US BEFORE..... SEARCH FOR IT!!! For so long we have lived by old information about how and what we should be doing. It is time now to move into things we may not even be able to imagine. If we want great change in this world, we must be willing to make great change in ourselves. While it may sometimes be informed by ancient practices, we need to be very careful about getting stuck in ritual versus ceremony. Ritual is a very specific way of doing a practice that never varies by a hairs breadth. Ceremony is also a practice to honor or work with specific energies but is fluid and meets whatever the current participants needs are for today. While we can benefit greatly from ceremony that celebrates and connects us to Source, ritual, where nothing can ever change, can be deadening. We must recreate our ceremonies in this new time and energy so that they can relate to us and verify our new understandings.
Creativity, that wonderful but old and overused word, is the life force behind our forward movement on this path. How do we move beyond what we can imagine? Each of us must discover that for ourselves but the secret is to let go of our ideas of what we believe is possible, AND of what we think are good outcomes. That is probably the most difficult part of this task. We want to create specific outcomes that we believe will feel good to us, all of us do. Yet there are colors that have not been seen by us that already exist, and music in the universe that we can almost hear, ways for us to interweave our communications beyond words written or spoken and it is time to find them. I write this as my love and a friend invent new music that in some way reaches out to all of that. It is time for each of us to do so in our own the Beautiful People we all are, each in individuated special ways so that we can heal this Beloved Earth.
Universally, there are several things that all of us need to live with, in order to be creative and create most powerfully: An opened Heart that is expanded beyond its original potential with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and Consciously lived GRATITUDE that brings joy into every cell of our bodies and souls. Unlike you may suppose, these are learned states of being and a choice for us all, regardless of how improbable that may seem. It is a truth that each of us have to learn over and over.
It is time now for all of us to move into creative new life possibilities in Gratitude, Unconditional Love, and more Gratitude as we let go of our preconceived ideas about who we are and what this life means. Being strongly connected to our guidance is the only way we can do this.
Please send comments or questions to me at:
If this reading was of interest to you, I do offer personal readings on issues that concern you
May 2012
Please send comments or questions to me at:
If this reading was of interest to you, I do offer personal readings on issues that concern you
April 2012
Mirrors and Other Tools for Finding Our Power
This reading is about Mirroring to one another, Universal Connection and exploring our Alchemical powers.
The Mirrors of Sisterhood, of Siblinghood help us find our own power and connect to the powers of Siblinghood with humans and all created beings. We are all like a grove of aspen trees who grow as individual shoots but share one large root system. We have the same Source in the Stars, the same "Spiritual Earth". As siblings of all that exists, we have a huge source of power that roots us as individuals. As members of that family, we all have particular parts of a shared responsibility: that of CONNECTING, growing one another, healing one another and our home, this Earth and this Universe.
What has happened to so many of us however is that we have lost our sense of connectedness to our Source and to our Universal Siblings. In doing so, we have lost much of our sense of personal alchemical powers and personal responsibility. That Alchemical power which is special and amazing to each of us, is asleep, and having slept very long times in most cases, it is slipping away, falling from us like the autumn leaves.
Each of us has the opportunity to be an empowered individual but there are many distractions for us as humans...earthly pursuits, bills, filling our needs for love, taking care of our kids and just making it thru each day. Alchemical power is about changing the lead in our lives into the gold of spiritual/energetic awareness on a Universal level, and timing, our personal readiness, is crucial. Christian teachings say, "Let those who have ears, hear". Christ was really talking about personal readiness and timing. Not everyone is ready to hear.
If you are ready to open to your alchemical abilities, you also need mirrors and other tools which help you to learn just what your special powers are and how to awaken and begin using them. So often others are mirrors for us in this way. They see in us what we are not able to see in ourselves. And so we must do that for one another, mirror to each other the beginnings, the possibilities that hide in ourselves, lay asleep like seeds in the soil. We who receive their reflections, must decide whether or not we will water those possibilities and work to see what they hold for us. Those possibilities are rainbow-like in their magnificence, astonishing to us, if we allow ourselves to see them. They are real, but it is our responsibility to bring them as Light into our lives, and part of a much more expansive self.
How do we do that? Along with the mirroring of others for us, we must use other tools such as creativity and all its power. We have let go of past ideas about possibilities, what they are and what they aren't. They are constantly changing in every instant so we need to live in the PROMISE ENERGY of the Earth, trying things we may not even have thought of before. Practice trying new things...just to get used to food, a new path to place to get person to have tea with.....a new word to use.....Create a personal practice to do daily or several times a week that includes two or three things which are new to you. This should be something that is renewing for you and something that helps you grow in some way. It can be a physical practice, a spiritual practice...what could be a musical practice for you or a research practice, a reading practice? Think outside the box choosing things that resonate with you, not what someone else might suggest. Consider what you would most like to do for YOURSELF to awaken and grow those powerful alchemical powers that reside in you. For some taking a class or workshop will be an opening. This is absolutely a part of your finding and connecting to your personal HeartPath. Then understand that it is also everyone's responsibility to think about how they can use those powers, not only for their own growth, but to connect to the ALL? What is your responsibility to your Universal family as well as yourself?
So many blessings. It is my great joy to share thoughts with you.
Please send comments or questions to me at:
If this reading was of interest to you, I do offer personal readings on issues that concern you
March 2012
Isis was the bringer of this meditation and I give her thanks for her teaching about connecting to star energies. This is a time for Starstalking. Star energies and blue star light are a healing source to us in this time Take advantage of this and be out under the night sky, open to the healing of starlight for you as you can. This is a turn about. We assume the light of day, of the sun, is the best healing source for us but sometimes we need the light of the night. It is a balancing light for our male energies, softer, more feminine, from stars, moon and other heavenly bodies. It is most often in the darkness that the growth of new things begins. Now is a period to seek awareness and have an openness to new healing thru the planting and growth of the Seeds of the New You. Take advantage of full Moon Ceremonies, starlight walks, Dreaming both while asleep and awake, and any other practice you may have to connect to this energy. It is a time to seek and enjoy the lights of darkness, of the night, for inspiration and new life seeds for your HeartPath guidance.
We see much better in the night than we might suppose. Spend some time outside at night going for a walk in a safe place or sitting bundled in a warm blanket with a pleasing warm drink. Your eyes will adjust; don't use a flashlight at all! Keep a journal of your dreams and thoughts while under the night skies. What are the gifts of your new Dark Light connections? Remember to think of this as a time of conception for the New You and ask for the Star Seed Ideas that will allow you to move into that place where you can grow exponentially as you move back into the light of day.
A second aspect of this reading reminds us to open more to friendship, companionship, project partnerships. It is time for all of us to learn to collaborate more rather than to compete with one another. The history of the world is being written by us every day and we can usually accomplish more if we work with others to bring our visions into being. Share your dreams, and try working together with others. They can be your mirrors, those who see you and tell you truth that will allow you to grow if you are open to that. As the dreams of several merge, so there will be several points of view and the vision to bring different methods to grow them into reality. Power is multiplied when we are able to use more than one form of it. So even those of us who tend to be hermits, including myself, must dance down the mountain and leave our secure, familiar caves to both give and receive from the rest of humanity thru collaboration and Dreaming with the Stars.
The Wolf, who is a power animal of my Third Chakra, came to visit me in dreams a few nights ago. The Third Chakra signifies Power-filled Intent. He devoured me as I couldn't get away, and I understood this was a kind of death and transformation on a spiritual level. It's what my practice calls a Shaman Death. We can no longer hide behind the trees of our beliefs, thinking that we are not capable or good enough. It is our time to do this work of growing our New Selves and to learn to do this work together with others to make it strong. What actions will you take to create your part of Tomorrow's History?
Please send comments or questions to me at:
If this reading was of interest to you, I do offer personal readings on issues that concern you
February 2012
There is so much information that I am given by the Universe, Source or Goddess. I'd like to share some of it with those of you who may be interested. I'm beginning a new free feature here on Feather & Sojourn Website called HeartPath Card of the Month. Here I will do a free monthly reading and create a card image to go with it. The first reading is titled Phoenix Treasures. Look carefully at the image above to see many treasures hiding there with the phoenix.
For further information on card readings, use this link:
From ancient times, the Phoenix has been a bird of mystery who died in a fire, leaving only ashes that then resurrected themselves into to a newly born bird. Death and transformation of aspects of our selves is the most obvious treasure that this phoenix symbolizes but there are others as well. Here is the information I was given, mostly verbatim:
"Surprise treasures are coming to you. Open your eyes so that you can see them for what they are as they may not be wrapped as you expected. Remember the phoenix is a fierce being and accepts no halfway measures (in receiving its gifts). So Dream and hatch your new self carefully, (from the transformation the phoenix is offering). Once the Vision is set, you will find a second gift that allows you to tear thru many veils which have held you back till now. There will be a speeding up of your movement on the journey to new birth and awakening. It has created it's own super heated energy. We are HOT with the momentum which carries us thru many of the veils of the "forgetting process" that is part of our birth into this new existence! Take advantage of that power to carry you thru quagmires or challenging tasks. Each movement on your part is exponentially empowered for you by the Universe at this time. BUT, be clearly aware of what you intend and do because you will be moving much faster and farther than you expect. Be sure of your focus. See all of this as an ADVENTURE into living... BEYOND THE POSSIBLE.
Finally, in all that you do, also add to your intent of clear vision, that you will be in HARMONY with Divine Energy at all times, and hold the level of your own personal energy and Harmonic in awareness. Seek to keep your Harmonic high in all areas of your life. for more information on Harmonics, see the latest blog which is about Harmonics at this link.
Please send comments or questions to me at:
If this reading was of interest to you, I do offer personal readings on issues that concern you
For further information on card readings, use this link:
All rights reserved by Feather Redfox 2014