As a shaman in contemporary society, a Heart Singer, A Dancer with Energy, my role is somewhat different than it would have been if I lived in earlier times and was an integral part of my community. Now, in today's times, I must make myself known to the people as one who offers food for their souls, one who will work wtih them for their change if that is what they desire.
When asked what it is that I do, I could give many answers, but in some ways, I am a simply a Doorway to Change for those who seek that. I am a singer of Silent Songs that some may choose to hear. I illustrate other ways of living and being, different methods of working with our energies and the energies all around us everyday. As people open to that, it leads them to healing on a spiritual level, and even on a physical level, for all our energies are connected. We cannot really separate our physical bodies from our energy beings. As many before me have said, disease comes from our being ill at ease or in a state of Dis-Ease in our everyday lives. There is no separation of these things. Often we are not at all aware of our discomfort but learn to "limp comfortably with the stones in our shoes" rather than making changes in our lives. Familiar pain is so much easier for us to deal with than trying something new or something that is very ancient. This is true for all of us on some level.
A shaman then, is one who can see you from a different perspective and holds up a mirror so that you can see yourself, but change is not something a shaman can magically bring about for you. The magic must come from the self love and commitment that you generate on your own behalf. It is a work that you must engage in for yourself. As each of us takes a step to make one small change, we send tremors of movement and healing through out the beautiful web of luminous fibers that weaves our world, and a tiny spark of light into the dark. HO!
Blessings from rustling fall leaves laced with cricket song,
All rights reserved by Feather Redfox 2014