Labyrinths as Energy Beings
Posted by Labyrinth Door on Thursday, May 20, 2010 Under: Labyrinths

Labyrinth Shadow Play
I am much in the middle of this whirlwind-shifting reality of the moment. Mine flies in both past and future, bringing their energy to the present time. Child Spirit's realities merge with present self within my knowing and I'm focused on many things at once, finding that labyrinths seem a catalyst for bringing them all together.
Santa Fe has several labyrinths. One is on Museum Hill, and while looking rather flat and nondescript in person, I suddenly started seeing it in mind's eye this morning, after doing a reading on "Vision". This labyrinth is unusual in that, from its center, it has very strange echoing qualities. It's as though you are in a vortex there. I suddenly realized and began seeing it as a living, energetic being that housed a central portal of shifting from one reality in our lives to another. Its pale patterns rose in the air to become dividers of different colored energy that created a path of movement in, and then movement out. I felt it as a balanced energetic whole. Being drawn into its center, its gifts of intuitive knowing and information were so feminine in feel as my practice teaches. Then from the center its almost pushing outward, in our desire to leave and begin anew our physical path on this world. This was masculine in its feel and need to manifest. What a gift these labyrinth beings are to us when we are awake enough to SEE them and to be with them.
So I walked in winds and the labyrinth said to me,"See just this next step, focus only on that." And the rest blurred into the universe. "This is trust and the peace of the heyoka warrior knowing there is a path when you can see only the present piece. Are you not comforted? Do you not believe you will be shown the way?"
And I sang Spirit Songs that traveled the blowing wind and heard how labyrinths are pictures of our many courses, so many days, years, all moving in strange fashion around a central truth. About living this path many times and being freed to go back to live in the world, the pictures I had just been given. I hurried to write before forgetting and share this truth with you.
Be sure to join us for our FREE TELECLASS JUNE 2 from 8:00 PM Eastern time to 5:00 PM Pacific time on creating and using a classic design finger labyrinth REGISTER ON SIDE BAR
Blessings, blessings and wind flying
If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact me
In : Labyrinths
Tags: labyrinths vortex "energy beings" trust path masculine feminine
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